Send Emails via Sendgrid

Send Emails via Sendgrid

SendGrid delivers your transactional and marketing emails. By using sendgrid, you can send emails to the person who submitted the form.

Setting up Sendgrid Integration

To add the new workflow action for form submissions to send the emails to your form submitters, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have an account on sendgrid if not please visit Sendgrid (opens in a new tab) and sign up.
  2. Create the API Key by following the sendrid guide Create Sendgrid API Keys (opens in a new tab).
  3. Log in to your dashboard and navigate to the “Apps” Tab.
  4. Click on Sendgrid “Connect”. This will bring an window for you to add the name of the connection and Sendgrid API Key
  5. Please enter the “Connection Name” and “API Key” and click “Add
  6. Now navigate to the “Forms” tab and select the form for which you want to set up Sendgrid emails workflow.
  7. Under the selected form page navigate to the “Workflows” Tab
  8. Under the workflows click on the “Actions” and select “Add action” this will bring up a new window.
  9. Here select the App as “Sendrid” and Connection which was connected previously.
  10. After Selecting all the options click on “Add” and test the sendgrid workflow action by submitting a test form on your website and verifying the email received on the submitted email inbox.

Toggling the Sendgrid Workflow

Once you have added the sendgrid action to the form’s workflow, you can toggle the workflow action by:

  1. Navigate to the the “Workflow” tab under the selected form
  2. Just click on the toggle switch on the slack action to pause or resume the workflow.

Troubleshooting Sendgrid Workflow.

If you encounter any issues with sendgrid workflow, such as not sending the email to the form submitter, you can troubleshoot the issue by:

  • Verify the Sendgrid API Key has the “Full Access” permission to send the emails.
  • Reconnecting the Sendgrid connection by clicking the reconnect button under the “Apps” tab and entering the “Connection Name” and “API Key”.
  • Test the workflow by submitting the test submission on the form.